..so far they have been weak, but noticeable signs of spring in the air make me think about the ideal season for a wedding in Prague . We get weather related questions from our clients deciding about a wedding in the Czech Republic very often and decided to make it a little easier for them. And mainly to explain that there is no bad month for a wedding in Prague because each season has it’s own magic (and we always have a plan B)!

Spring by Claire Morgan
Czech Republic lies in the temperate climate zone . We are lucky to have four seasons and although they seem to be blending into each other in the past few years, each season still has it’s beauties and specifics.
We get hot and really beautiful summers with occasional rain. Rain seems to be the most common wedding-weather concerns. There is no reason to be worried! First of all, we will never leave you without a plan B (whether that is an indoor option or white wedding umbrellas that I find very romantic ). Secondly – the average summer temperatures of around 25 degrees Celsius make it up. We do not have rainy seasons, just a possibility of showers or hot spells. And if it rains, it hardly ever rains all day but most of the time the sky clears up very quickly after. Rain really does not spoil your wedding day and neither your wedding photos as you can see bellow. Plus we say that when it rains on your wedding day, it rains happiness and you will have lot of kids :-).
After summer there comes our favourite.. A season that we call the Indian summer. In September and October the colours start to change, the temperatures are usually still high enough to be outside but much more bearable then in the summer time. October is a really nice month for a wedding and in the past few years we’ve had outdoor ceremonies even towards the end of the month. You can expect around 15 degrees Celsius in October in Prague so you should be fine with just a light jacket.
Yes then everything changes in November.. the real fun begins as there is already a chance of snow and pretty winter photos! We love winter and Christmas weddings with hot wine being served as a welcome drink.. Winters can get very cold in the Czech Republic (bellow zero) and snow can be nearly guaranteed until the end of February. When it snows, Prague becomes very romantic..
But if I would be to name one month to recommend you, it would be April and Spring in general with absolutely stunning weather and mild temperatures around 18 degrees Celcius. It’s the nicest season to visit Prague. Not only because it’s my birthday :-) but just because it’s spring and everything blossoms and awakens.. It’s special, as your Big day is!
Have a beautiful Spring everyone!
Yours, Natalie

Rain won't stop us.. by George Hlobil

Summer wedding in Vrtbovska Garden

Amazing Automn colours and sun..

Romantic winter wedding by Lukas Konarik